recent News
Annual Financial Campaign 2024/2025: Honouring the Legacy of Anderson House
From the rich history of our 125-year-old building, to the thousands of clients we’ve served over the last 44 years, we’re proud to provide a safe space for healing. Please help us reach our goal of $100,000 during this season's Annual Financial Campaign. The higher cost of living has impacted us all. The lack of affordable housing and the rising cost of fuel, utilities, groceries, and other...
The Seafood Shack wins PEI Burger Love 2024; $90,679 raised for Anderson House
The Seafood Shack wins PEI Burger Love 2024; $90,679 raised for Anderson House May 8, 2024, Charlottetown, PE - “The Shack Attack” burger creation...
We’re Hiring! Men’s Services Outreach Coordinator in Summerside.
We are hiring an Outreach Worker to oversee services for male and male-identifying victims of violence. This role will oversee male clients who have...
PEIFVPS 2023 Annual Financial Campaign
PEIFVPS 2023 Annual Financial Campaign is now live! Please support our goal of $100,000. This year's campaign highlights wraparound care for...
PEI Burger Love to Return April 2024 as an Exclusive Fundraising Event for Anderson House!
The Mom2Mom Sale is Here on Saturday, October 15th!
The Mom2Mom Sale is back! Browse over 100 tables packed with used items for children and babies, including clothing, toys, books, baby gear,...
We’re Hiring!
PEI FVPS is hiring a full-time Male Outreach Coordinator
Free Virtual Training Sessions with Dr Lori Haskell
Free virtual sessions suitable for any profession working with or coming in contact with survivors.
We’re Hiring!
The Shelter Worker position provides emergency shelter for women and children needing safe, secure and supportive housing when fleeing abuse. The...
Annual Financial Campaign 2021|2022
The Annual Financial Campaign for PEI FVPS is on NOW!
Donation from Sekisui Diagnostics
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Sekisui Diagnostics Supports Anderson House Charlottetown, PE, July 13, 2021 - PEI Family Violence Prevention Services Inc....
Celebrating 40 Years!
It is our 40th Anniversary! Click here for a commemorative video and more.
Annual Financial Campaign 2020|2021
The Annual Financial Campaign for PEI FVPS is on NOW!
we are OPEN!
Services through PEI FVPS including Anderson House are available during COVID-19
2019/20 Annual Financial Campaign
We invite you to join the 2019/20 Annual Financial Campaign for PEI Family Violence Prevention Services.
Christmas Wish 2019
Join our Christmas Wish Program!
Hello Summer! DANCE PARTY
Saturday, June 22 at The Pourhouse
PEI FVPS Launches 2018/19 Financial Campaign
We invite you to join the 2018/19 Annual Financial Campaign for PEI Family Violence Prevention Services. This year's campaign focuses on housing -...
An Evening of Wine & Song for Anderson House
An Evening of Wine & Song for Anderson House will be held on Saturday, November 17th starting at 6:30pm at Harmony House Theatre.
We’re Hiring!
PEI FVPS is hiring for the position of Administrative Support Services.
Building Brighter Futures on the Links
Golf Tournament! Friday, September 7 at Fox Meadow Golf Club
Inn at St. Peter’s 15th Annual Dinner and Silent Auction
The 15th Annual Dinner and Silent Auction for Anderson House is May 25th. For more information or to order tickets please call Karen Milligan at (902) 961-2135 or (800) 818-0925.
6th Annual Sweetheart Dinner for Anderson House
The 6th Annual Sweetheart Dinner for Anderson House will be held on Saturday, February 17th from 6:30-9:00pm at Red Shores Racetrack and Casino, Charlottetown.
East Prince Outreach Office – Clothing Drive!
On December 5th, East Prince Family Violence Prevention Services and The Free Store are hosting a community clothing drive to create a stockpile of gently used items to be accessed by community members over the winter.
PEI FVPS Launches 2017/18 Financial Campaign
We invite you to join the 2017/18 Annual Financial Campaign for PEI Family Violence Prevention Services. This year's campaign focuses on our...
PEI Potato Board Supports Campaign
The PEI Potato Board will be donating half of the funds raised from the sale of french fries and baked potatoes to the Building Brighter...