Programs and Services

Anderson House
Located in Charlottetown, Anderson House is an emergency shelter for women, trans, and non-binary individuals, and their children, who are in need of safety because of violence in their lives.

Outreach Services

Empowerment Programs offer women education, support, and an opportunity to share experiences in a group setting. Groups are available across the province as part of our outreach services and include programs such as: Liberty, Beyond Liberty, and Healthy Boundaries. We also offer topics such as cooking economically, coping skills, and other programming around mental wellness and recovery.

Residency is up to one year with rent geared-to-income or rent ceiling set by the Department of Social Development and Canada Mortgage and Housing. Apartments are available in O’Leary, Summerside, Charlottetown and Montague.

Is anyone in your life making you feel scared or unsafe? Do you know somebody in an unhealthy relationship and would like to know how to support them? We can help.
We offer drop-in support at several post-secondary campuses across PEI. Students, faculty, and staff can access confidential walk-in support.

Public Education
Our outreach coordinators provide presentations about domestic violence to organizations and groups across the province.
Presentations are available for a variety of audiences, such as local businesses, hospitals, government agencies, schools, the legal system, police, service clubs, volunteers, and concerned citizens. Training is also provided to professionals who would like more education about domestic violence and the services that our organization provides.