
Clear Internet History
Here’s how to clear your internet history so that no one will be able to know what websites you’ve visited recently.

Engaging Men and Boys
Preventing family violence is everyone’s business. Men and boys have an important role to play.

Make It Your Business!
A video series that offers brief, practical examples of how workers or other witnesses can recognize signs of family violence in public places and places of business and how to safely take action.

You Are Not Alone
You Are Not Alone is a video series that introduces the services available through Anderson House and PEI Family Violence Prevention Services. These videos have been translated into several languages to improve access to this information.
Resource Library
The following handouts and website links provide relevant information and resources on issues related to family violence. You can order PEI FVPS print resources by emailing:
FVPS Print Resources
The Premier’s Action Committee on Family Violence Prevention (PAC) Resources
External Links